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Perfect flowers for perfect day
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Theatrical delivery
Would you like more surprises to your loved ones? At your request, the flowers can be theatrically rendered by princesses or kings. To order this service, please email us. by email when and where you would like to have a theatrical presentation and we will send you an offer. Theatrical presentation is a great way to delight your loved ones.
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For Weddings
Are you getting ready for the wedding, but don’t you have a bouquet yet? No trouble. You can order an exclusive bouquet here, with us. Just write to us by e-mail specifying where, when you need a bouquet, what you think of it and we will send you a proposal.
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Would you like to express your feelings? You loved? We recommend a wonderful bouquet of 100 red roses, “I Love”, which you do not need any more. After all, the red rose is a symbol of love and passion. You will find the bouquet in our romantic menu. Or Maybe Your Selected Is Your Muse Inspired? Give her a bouquet of mild, light, romantic colors, we recommend the composition in the “box of flowers” found in our other menu.